June is National Safety Month! In support of this initiative put in place by the National Safety Council, we will be sharing weekly tips that you can apply in the workplace and at home. In 2020 transportation incidents were the leading cause of workplace deaths, but the NSC was able to determine the top 3 workplace injuries and illnesses involving days away from work in 2020 as well.
1. Exposure to harmful substances
2. Overexertion, bodily reaction
3. Slips, trips and falls
This is why it is so important to take safety home with you! We can take all of the precautions at work, but if we go home where we're more likely to relax, we often become complacent and let down our guard on safety and our health. You must listen to your body. Overexertion whether at work or home to meet expectations of others will only end up leading to injury. You know your body best so don't be afraid to take a timeout your employer and loved ones will thank you for it later. You are valuable so invest in safety at all times!