
Learn to Share the Road with Large Trucks

Written by Lisa Sursavage | Aug 18, 2016 5:00:00 AM

With the school year about to be back in session, traffic on our roads will increase. School buses are moving again, parents and teens are driving to and from school and activities, and we’ll see an increase in pedestrian traffic, too. Among all of this, large trucks will also be maneuvering their way on our busy Houston roads, and it’s important to understand that a professional driver in a large truck has a very different line of sight than the rest of us.

So, now’s the time to take a few minutes to talk with your family about some of the challenges that may arise during heavy traffic times, particularly around large trucks.

Here are some tips from your Jetco team:

  1. Be sure to give large vehicles extra room.
  2. Trucks have blind spots, so be aware that you may be able to see the driver, but the driver may not be able to see you.
  3. Trucks make wide turns, so give the truck space.
  4. Do not cut in front of any large vehicle. They require much more distance to stop in comparison to cars.
  5. Do not cut off a truck in traffic or on the highway to reach your exit or turn.

Take a moment to recommit to safety. Allow yourself enough time for your commute. Don’t text and drive. Be alert and aware. And, always remember that nothing is more important that returning home to your family at night.

Do you have questions for our safety team? Contact us!